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Dragon Ring Code
All thoughout the multiverse
The Power is there to bless or curse
The balance of darkness and of light
That holds the web threads ever tight
Black chaos dragons and those of light
Locked in balance that is right
The Dragon's code is very clear
Each ring should be for half a year
From Apprentice to the warrior gaurd
The way to be Mystic is long and hard.
All levels explored all truth laid bare
The students motives pure as air.
Must pass the test within the heart
Before the veil of knowledge parts
Dragon trust must be earned then wait
Until her teacher reveals the gate
Dragon magick strong and old
Requires the student to be bold
Cast the number three times three
For that is what the power will be
No dragon is weak or small
For dragon magick conquers all!
( DJ Conway- Mystical Dragon Magick)

Dragon Comments & Graphics


Introduction to Dragons

According to the teachings of the Ancients, anything unexplainable in everyday terms, or so fantastic that it invokes feelings of curiosity, suspicion, or fear while still seeming plausible, was said to come from a place of Great Mystery, a place where the Spirit itself lived, and where dreams and visions originated. This place is said to be where Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the children of Earth watch over the people from, and where the creatures of the Shadow Lands and the realms of fantasy are said to reside. This place relies on our unconditional faith and trust in order to exist, and is know by the Wise Ones as “The Void”. It is part of the Astral Realm, where we cannot travel on our own unless we are invited in and shown the way.

It is believed that when we sleep, our dreams are sent to us from The Void. When we consult our guides, they answer us from The Void, and when we receive visions and foresight, it is relayed to our Higher Selves from The Void. This shadowy world of untold mystery is where much of our inner knowledge comes from, but it is also a place where many things have gone. The Void, being where the Spirit lives, is like a giant safe haven for those things we are incapable of seeing in today’s “civilized” world. Creatures such as Unicorns, Faeries, Centaurs, Fauns, Dryads, and Dragons find refuge in this other world, and are felt in the presence by some and “seen” by even fewer as they continue to go about their invisible physical lives here on Earth.

Throughout history, from cultures as distant as the Aborigines and their Dreamtime, the Vikings and the people of China, Japan, and England, Dragons have been mentioned in one form or another. Why is this? Did these people actually see these beasts, or did they simply mistake a giant lizard, or some other reptilian creature that had folds of skin under its forearms and could fly, such as giant bats, or the flying dinosaurs, Archaeopteryx or the Pterosaurs? Were there dinosaurs still roaming the Earth only a few thousand years ago? Loch Ness Monster, it is believed, is one such creature. There is even a constellation of stares in the night sky named “Draco”, as its general shape is that of a Dragon.

Wyverns, traditionally depicted on shields and banners in heraldry for hundreds of years, are considered a sign of strength to those who bear the symbol. European Dragons are anatomically different to most dragons, having the usual two wings, but only having two legs; sometimes shown as having hand-like claws on the tips of its wings and a razor sharp stinger filled with poison on the end of its tail. Today the Welsh flag still has a red dragon on a green and white background, and the red dragon is their national symbol.

In the Chinese and Japanese culture the Dragon symbolizes life and growth and is said to bring the five blessings: harmony, virtue, riches, fulfillment and longevity. Chinese Dragons are still shown in parades around the world celebrating the Chinese New Year with the Dragon Dance. In China there are four main kinds of dragons: the Celestial Dragons who protect the places of the Gods, the Spiritual Dragons who control the wind and the rain, the Earth Dragons which control the rivers and water on the Earth, and the Underworld Dragons which guards precious metals and gems. Separate dragons also control the rivers of the North, South, East, and West. The commander of all the River Dragons is blood red in color, has a fiery mane, and is 900 feet long from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail.

The Dragon became a symbol of evil and the devil only after Christianity gained power. In an attempt to crush the ancient beliefs of Pagans, the Christians spread their propaganda of their devil, calling him the Dragon. By instilling this fear of eternal damnation the church gained control of many royal houses. With this they changed or passed laws that prohibited the Pagan beliefs, and with this caused humankind to fear Dragons instead of respecting them, as they should. Also from this came Knights, later called “Dragon Slayers”, that were eager to prove their faith to their God and country by hunting the Dragons down. Not completely an unselfish act because of the payments of gold they received for their “bravery”. Whether the 'dragons' they hunted were strange beasts or simply those who followed another religious path is unknown.

Dragons do travel constantly between our world and the Void to determine if humankind has matured, meaning that we have outgrown our need to dominate anything different from ourselves. There are some who believe that they are connected with the mysterious lights in the night sky which are reported as UFO's. Others believe that miracles and other unusual happenstance should be attributed to dragon interference.

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             Introduction to Dragons


                                                                         Dragon Comments & Graphics

What are dragons?
There are stories / legenda/ myths of dragons in many cultures around the world. In some they are depicted as huge winglesss serpents others more traditional picture we of the west see or picture of dragons with wings fire scales etc. Dragons are shown with four legs, two legs or no legs at all. Some have arror pointed tails, some twisted horns,. In whatever form the dragon is there in many folk stories in many cultures.
In the West our word dragon comes from the greek drakon and the latin draco Drakon comes from a verb meaning to see, to look at,or possibly tio flash. In most legends dragons spend most of their time watching, looking weather be treasure, territory,etc
In astronomy the ancient constellation draco is in the northern heavens, and curves in a winding pattern between the big and little dippers. It ends in the dragons head a transpezium of four stars.
The star Draconis is a brilliant double star.The constel;lation has probably shifted and may have once been the polestar to which the pyramid of Cleops was aligned.
more on this in dancing with dragons by DJConway.
Everywhere the dragon is associated with creation , life giving, and even death and destruction.
Throughout the world the great Goddess is connected to serpents, dragons, and spirals.
In some cultures a full initiate was called a dragon or snake. Priests of Egypt and Babylon called themselves Sons of the serpent God or Dragon.
Druids of the Celts spoke of themselves as snakes.
Also Jesus told his disciples to be wise as serpents...
In Mexico the priests of Quetzalcoatl ref to themselves as of the race of the dragons.
The Welsh word draig or dragon was used to denote a leader, hero, war leader or prince. King author is belived to use a dragon as his emblem.
The dragon became evil symbol and the devil, only after the Christian church gained power. In an attempt to crush the anicient beliefs of pagans the Christians spread their propaganda of the devil calling him the dragon. By instilling deep fears particulary of eternal punishment the priests and church leaders managed to0 grasp control of rulers and govenments. Becoming the influencing force behind government the church then could control others( still they try- ok gonna behave not go there )
Some refused to conform and be controlled and many Pagans went underground, living with the fear of persecution and death.
Even through times of persecution the dragon did not fade from siteIn China in particular- the draconic image remained alive in stories. European families used the dragon image in coat of arms.
The Prince of Whales has a red and gold dragon in his coat of arms and on his flag.
In heraldry a dragon with two legs is called a wyvern; a dragon wihtout wings is a worm , a serpentine dragon with wings but no legs is an amphitptere. a dragon with wings and legs is termed a guivre.
It is sad today the art of true practicle dragon magick and power are almost a forgotten art in the world of magick specifiically in the US , unless many are just hush on the topic. I do belive Dragon magick will make a comeback They are just waiting for us to show we are serious and we will respect them.
Dragon trust must be earned.
According to DJ Conway Dragons have form and exisitence they live on the astral plane Dragons can be everywhere at once and in amatter of speaking in all things. Every elemental action and reaction has the possibility of being an extention of of a dragon and its power. However dragons do not go about controlling people .
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Did the dragon once live?
All of the Oriental dragons were intimately associated with water. Dragons lived in lakes and rivers and seas, even in raindrops. They controlled the tides, floods and rainfall. If they really existed, then a source that immediately comes to mind is the Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis. They are not as large as their American cousin, ranging from an average two metres in length to sometimes three metres. But they are dangerous, reptilian and water-based - all good reasons for linking them to the Oriental dragon. But only if you haven't heard of the predecessors of the real-life Komodo dragon .
Australian monitor lizards all belong to the genus Varanus. They are easily identifiable by their streamlined shape, elongated neck, semi-erect posture, and a forked tongue - which can give the effect of fire-breathing. They all look very similar except for their size differences, which are extreme to say the least. The smallest is the pygmy monitor Varanus brevicauda (20 centimetres long, weighs 8-10 grams). The largest in Australia is the perentie or Varanus giganteus, which can attain a length of two metres.
So where are we heading? On the one hand there are myths connecting dragons to global destruction and rebirth. On the other are links to DNA, ancient languages, ancient calendars and the I Ching. And now I am taking a big breath and suggesting that the mythical dragons were rooted in reality, that knights in shining armour actually killed real dragons, and somehow it all makes sense. This is where a new theory of evolution comes in.. stay tuned .
Far off, unknown, beyond the range of thought,
scarce reached by gods, the years' rough haggard mother,
stands a primeval Cave in whose vast breast,
is Time's cradle and womb. A Serpent encloses,
the Cave, consuming all things with slow power,
and green scales always glinting. Its mouth devours,
the backbent tail as with mute motion it traces,
its beginning. At the entrance Nature sits,
the threshold-guardian, aged and yet lovely,
and round her gather and flit on every side Spirits.
A Venerable Man writes down immutable laws.
He fixes the number of stars in every constellation,
makes some of them move and others hang at rest.
So all things live or die by predetermined laws...
When the Sun rested on the cave's wide threshold,
Nature ran in her might to meet him; the Old Man bent
grey hairs to the proud rays.[1]
Claudian (c. 370-408), Roman poet
Chaos , destruction, fertility, rebirth seem to be a major theme in linked in Dragon Myth.
Dragons appear in the early literature of the English, German, Irish, Danish, Norse, Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, and Egyptians - and in oral tales from every inhabited corner of the globe.
The word "dragon" is derived from the Latin dracon, which came from the Greek word for serpent, spakov. Spakov can be traced to the Greek aorist verb, spakelv meaning "sharp-sighted one" (a reference to the perceived good vision of snakes), and is related to many other ancient words to do with sight, such as darc (Sanskrit for see), derc (Old Irish for eye), torht (Old Saxon) and zoraht (Old High German) which both mean clear, or bright.
The distinctions between words that describe dragons and snakes are often blurred, and are to some degree interchangeable. The old German word for dragon, "lindwurm", literally means "snake-worm" The ancient Anglo-Saxon word "wyrm" has been translated as meaning any of "dragon," "serpent," or "worm". An English folktale which dates back to the early fifteenth century tells of Sir John Lambton battling "the Worm." The original story makes no mention of this "worm" having legs. Early pictorial representations of dragons were almost always shown as large snakes, but from the sixteenth century onward images associated with the Lambton story are of four-legged dragons. We must consider ancient dragons to be more like giant serpents, and less like the more modern fantasy images that we know so well from role-playing games and books like The Hobbit
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Darkness, shadows, silence,
All concealing what is in the night.
Look deeper, penetrate the darkness
And see what lurks in the heart.
A sight beyond reality lurks there,
A sight many fear,
A dragon in full glory stands,
Waiting to be heard.
Many fight it, fearing the unknown,
Knowing not what they do.
The dragon does not fight,
Wisdom guiding its thoughts.
Death comes to the dragon,
Yet it lives still in the heart,
Which will never forget
What it felt when the dragon was there.
Dealing with Dragons 
Dragons can be very tempremental  It can become frustrating, but we must keep in mind that they are going to have moods and mood-swings much like we will. We are working with another entity; they are not going to do exactly what we want all of the time.They have personalities like we do and emotions like we.
 Much of their attitude will depend on how you approach a Dragon as to how they will react to you.
Another vital point is what type of relationship you have built with them, how long you have been working with them, and if you are respectful or not. Since they have come to be very cautious of humans, earning their trust and respect are the first things you need to do. By doing so, you will end up with a very close relationship with them as well as an improved understanding of their moods.
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Important points 
  • Don’t ever call a Dragon into your sacred space and start ordering them around. Treat them like you like to be treated. Give them the respect as equals and not servants, and they will work with you.
  • Don’t show them that you fear them. They have very heightened sense and can actually smell fear. If they detect any fear whatsoever they won’t respect you as an equal and consider anything you do a waist of time and energy on their part.
  • Don’t ever attack a Dragon you have called. You called them; they didn’t call you.
  • Dragons are very intelligent. Don’t try and pull a fast one over on them.
  • Dragons tend to speak in riddles and symbolism. At least until you have worked with them for a while.
  • The only tool a Dragon respects (not fears) is the Athame/Sword, but only when wielded by a confident practitioner who is prepared to stand his ground.
  • If you feel uncomfortable with a certain Dragons presence, carefully and politely explain your wishes and desires concerning them. They will understand you and either work along with you or leave you be.
  • Before rejecting a Dragons help or presence, firstly find out what they have to show or teach you. They won't hang around where they are not wanted.
  • Always give them an offering. They won't do something for nothing.
  • Most Dragons tend to be subtle in their first few contacts with you. Be sensitive and extra aware of what is occurring around you for if there is anything that would endanger them they won’t make their presence known.
  • Watch what you ask for, they take things literally and without mercy. Don’t leave any loopholes in any petition you present to them.

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   Types of Dragons 
Most Dragons tend to be low key in their first contact with people. They may choose to appear in dreams, meditations, or as flashes of mov ement, just like faeries are known to do as well. At times they may shoot past this and touch your psychic feelings.
There are many many type of dragons.....here I will cover a few of them.
1) Gaurdian Dragons
These dragons are known to be most accessible the easiest to contact.
The Gaurdian dragons are knwon to appear often as little faces or forms in the mind.
They may show up without warning to. I alos must mention during meditation, and esp rituals they may show up one or several. They love ritual.
Personal Gaurdian dragons vary in their shapes, and sizes, and usually bot not always are quit small compared to most dragons. Gaurdian dragons also vary in their colors.
According to Mccoy she uses the examples of pastels and hues lighter colors
Their colores and sizes seem to indicate they are younger and in the dragon realm are serving what Dj Conway calls an apprenticship. It is a type of education about working with people. As liken to a school they have other dragons which supervise them, watch over them. The supervisory dragons serve to protect them and you. These younger ones can be quit mischevious at times, and overly zealous.. Dragons age very slowly too.
These smaller younger gaurdian dragons may not have the power like the older dragons yet but they are very helpful and still powerful.
The Gaurdians help with protection, friendship.love, divination,general rituals, dancing singing, and evend evelopment of psychic abilities.
Dj Conway calls them astral watchdogs for your property and personhood.
I also must add they do come with some noises, uncomfotable vibrations, and sometimes will appear to those who would cause you harm or endanger you in some way.
Conway goes on to explain to they are playfull like to tease pets if you have any, but seem to be good with children.
Conway share a story and it it shows or advises what you can do if your having troubleseeing your dragon- basically it was to put a rock crystal to your forehead.
It is a magnifier for your third eye.
Little dragon rainbow bright
Good friends of the family
Send good wishes to us all
Join our ritual merrily
Protect us through each day and night
While awake or while asleep
Through your love and villigence
Do this family safely keep
pg 203 chant fromDancing with dragons
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2)Elemental Dragons-
We as witches are family with the pentecle/ pentegram.
The five points represent what? We will talk on spirit a bit later I have not forgotten spirit
Earth Air Fire Water
North East South West -
For each element and direction there also a dragon assigned or in service there.
They over see that element and all that goes with it.
The four directions correspond to the witches circle, the four corners of the universe/ and directions.
Each element has traditonal rules and boundaries.They do have form and power.
They have the ability to influence our personality and our magick ( this is not ssaying you may blame them when your in a mood pms etc ok )
Each element and its dragon has certain characteristics, moods, and magickal purposes
Conway is careful to also say each has positive and negative traits.
Just like the Goddesses, or most Goddesses.
The element of Air governs the eastern quarter of the circle
The dragon ruler is  Sairys
The element of Fire govenrs the southern quarter of the circle
The dragon ruler is Fafnir
The element of water governs the western quarter
The dragon ruler is Naelyan
The element of earth governs the northern quarter
The dragon ruler is Grael
The white light and black or dark dragons rule the center of the circle and balance all the elements.
3)Dragons of Chaos and destruction
I can hear  the wooo hooooooooooos already LOL
These dragons represent the negative power needed to destroy, dissolve problems and sweep away trouble makers, thos who aim to do you harm.
They are very dark colors black, grey,iron, dark purple, reds, and greens that are almost black in color. They are heavy and huge in appearance.
They are Conway belives to be the largest of dragons.
When these dragons appear..... even in rituals know and understand they do everything in a big and drastic way. They go to the heart of the matter non stop full force they do not play. MMM Reminds me of the dark Goddess.These dragons are connected to death and rebirth  so not suprising  they are connected to the dark Goddess. These dragons Conway strongly advises to only call on in a cast circle.with all movements counter clockwise. Burn patchouli basdil, and dragons blood or a binding incense. Use black or dark purple candles and greet them with the sword.
These dragons work in our lives -----
recreating, relationships, careers, breaking of barriers, changing luck, vast changes, past lives, divination, and the confining of enemies or any that hinder your growth.The breaking down of stagnation in our lives.
I want to emphisize these dragons are not evil despite the upheavel they cause,  and transformations. They do require thoughtfulness and  caution when considering working with them.
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There are many other types like planetary dragons as well,. It can get complicated 
I highly recomend DJ Conways books Dancing wiht Dragons which givesd a good foundation then Mystical Dragon Magick


 Dragon Magick has symbols that can be used . These could be carved on candles to help give them power, stitched onto robes, used in rituals; their use is practically limitless. However,these are by no means the only symbols


Athame - traditionally this is the black handled knife of the witches. As it is the main tool in the dragon tradition, it stands for the strong relationship between humans and dragons; one that is built on strength and respect. This can be a detailed drawing or a vertical line with a curved horizontal line near the bottom (this would represent the hilt of the knife).
Dragon Eye - It is drawn to impart sight into the unknown or that which is hidden. It is also used for protection, ensuring that whatever it is drawn on is under the 'dragon's gaze'.
Flame - this represents the power of the dragon's breath. It is useful for healing and renewal as well as destruction. It is a powerful tool, it all depends on how you apply it.
Horned Moon - this can represent the horns that some dragons have but it also shows the connection that we are all a part of deity. In the Wiccan tradition it  rep the horned god and it is also a symbol of a priestess while tech a High Priestess would wear the triple )0(
Infinity - represents the universe and the idea that there is no end.
Pentagram - shows all five elements of dragon magick in balance and harmony with spirit.
Ring - this is a perfect circle and is another representation of infinity - the idea that some things have no beginning and no end. It can also represent a mirror which shows that dragons reflect back our true nature. I never forgot having a dream and the dark Goddess drew a red Circleand the thought came  and said know and study the rings. I thought first It was ref to my magick circle  till I got the Dragon book
Triangle - This is they symbol for fire and can be used to represent the fire of dragons which is their breath. It is used mainly as a symbol for protection, burning away anything that might cause you harm.
Serpent - this is the symbol of the dragon on earth as it is the dragon's near cousin. It also represents new beginnings, renewal, and immortality. Makes me  glad now I still have my snake ring as well It has a lapis in it.
Spiral Path - this shows the dragon's natural energy patterns and how their magick works in a non-linear pattern.


Dragon Comments & Graphics

I am a Dragon Witch............
Not cause any gave me a title
Nor cause I chose this title
I am a Dragon Witch
For I feel it inside
I feel it within my heart and soul
My heart tells me every day
You are a dragon witch
I feel the breath upon my neck
I see the face within my minds eye
She is close........
I am a Dragon Witch
Will to learn from those of old
Whose wisdom is beyond this realm
I am not yet a dragon mystic
Nor yet a dragon enchanter
For the rings I have yet to enter
and see my destiney unfold
I am a Dragon Witch
my heart belongs to them
They are in my thoughts
And I must write and share
For I feel like I ve been with them
In another life and time long past
I am a Dagon Witch
I have come full circle once again
I see I have not completed
What I had begun in another time
For whatever reason I had left
So Dragons Here I am once again
I do not remeber what happend then
But surely I will enter thy sacred rings
With no looking back
Here I am  a Dragon Witch

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